Building Enduring Partnerships

Acting as a compliance specialist for over 15 years.
“The real enemy of safety is not non-compliance but non-thinking”
- Rob Long

A Unique, Client-Centered Approach to Compliance

Portunus Services has been set up by Renate Boelens. Renate is a corporate lawyer with an executive Master of Compliance (EMoC) at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Renate is an experienced compliance professional with a demonstrated history of working in the financial services industry, specialised in legal compliance with an extensive knowledge of applicable legislation such as Wtt (Act on the supervision of Trust offices or Wet Toezicht Trustkantoren), Wwft (Act on avoidance of money laundering and financing of terrorisme or Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme).

During over 8 years Renate headed the compliance department of one of the largest Dutch corporate service providers, acted as advisor of Holland Quaestor, the Dutch association of trust companies, and was involved in consultation on bills of law concerning the trust sector. As such, Renate build up an extensive range of experience managing integrity risks as there are money laundering, terrorism financing, fraud, circumvention of sanction regulations, corruption and socially inappropriate behaviour, with the aim that the institution subject to Wtt and/or Wwft complies with all relevant regulations and carries out its duty as a gatekeeper in the best possible way.

Portunus Services works together with other compliance services providers.

Renate Boelens

Corporate lawyer/ Compliance specialist
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