Service With Substance

Portunus Services provides amongst others the following services: update of Procedure Manuals and accompanying procedures, guiding teams and improvement projects.

Internal procedures

Preparation and/or review of internal procedures including compliance procedure manuals;

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Improvement project

Leading an improvement project based upon a Plan of Action;

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Guiding teams

Guiding management or compliance teams in the execution of their tasks;

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Coaching managing directors

Coaching managing directors;

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Acting as a sparring partner

Acting as a sparring partner;

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Acting as a compliance officer

Acting as a compliance officer;

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Reviewing compliance files

Reviewing compliance files. Advising based on my findings.

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Integrity risk

Integrity risk analysis. I go ahead and analyse possible integrity risks

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Handle the procedure with Dutch Central Bank on the appointment of board members and other policy makers.

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the next step?

Request a consultation call.

Speak with me in an obligation-free
initial consultation.
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